Friday, April 30, 2010

live it up

why wouldn't's the weekend!
that print needs to live in my house....and that wallpaper too....

Thursday, April 29, 2010

shop like a blogger....

you would think since i have had this blog for a little over two and a half years, i would be a little more computer savvy....not so much!! just ask averill! who was sweet enough to ask me to do a guest post on her beautiful blog odi et amo. luckily, after about ten emails, i figured out how to send her my post. so if you are interested in how i shop, head on over......
*thanks again averill for all of your help and patience :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


i love this's often easy to get distracted by the the obstacles that surround us but when i read this, i kind of feel like i could be a super hero and conquer the out :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

many, many thanks

for being such a wonderful support system. it seems like these days my life consists mostly of pregnancy issues vs. beautiful design stories....but to be able to have people understand where i am coming from is a huge sigh of relief. i can't thank y'all enough, really. i passed my second round of tests so no gestational diabetes here. does that mean i can get that pound cake out of the freezer now??

Monday, April 26, 2010

i'm a hoarder...

it's official...i am a hoarder. not in the sense of dirty garbage taking over my house...but rather, i'm a hoarder of ideas, fabrics, and pictures. i hold onto them forever, contemplating what i am going to do with them (drives my husband batty). this addiction applies only to my own house and decorating it. i finally made a decision for taylor's room. i am using quadrille's paradise background. done, no take backs!! now, i just need to decide how i am going to use it. she has two twin beds in her room. i am thinking bed canopies.....and i kind of want to tackle it as a diy project (have any of y'all tried this). so as a confessed hoarder, here is my collection of bed canopies.....i am leaning towards pic #1.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


i failed a test. it's not the first time it's happened in my life...i use to have my fair share of fun in college, i'm sure i didn't study for a pop quiz or something. it really shouldn't come as a surprise- i failed the same test 3 yrs ago. but it still sucks none the less. b/c to retake the test you have to drink 3 big bottles of the sweetest, thickest, syrup like concoctions known to three hours after fasting for a night. i think i would almost prefer a piece of paper w/ a big fat F written across it....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

yesterday, warren and i looked at each other at 6:00 and said "let's just go to bed and start this day over".....sometimes days just don't go exactly as planned. so today i am starting off w/ this quote...

{update} apparently this magical quote fairy godfather (aka the fed ex man) has rung my doorbell twice this AM: once he delivered a basket full of bath beauties and once w/ a pound cake. this day is already much better :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bryan Ruiz Video Package

Bryan Ruiz Video Package All goals for FC Twente.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Loic Remy Video Package

Loic Remy Vs Lyon.Contribution in the Game: The two assists leading to the first two goal and the fourth goal.


after getting zero sleep last night, these images seem simply perfect to me right now. i can't get enough of the first image- perfection.
hope you have a peaceful weekend...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

how to get inspired....

i love the intensity of this color and the details that make each of these pictures stand out in my mind: the striking awning that could be interpreted into a window treatment, the simple band of trim that really makes the upholstery and draperies pop, the double mirrors that replace a wall mounted one, the graphic small-scale wallpaper that expands a narrow space, the detail of the headboard that accentuates the classic fabric, and the unique monogram found on the bed shams....all of these details are worth taking note of.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

please excuse me....

while i put on this necklace and then take an afternoon ride on this amazing beach cruiser....
i always feel it's important to match your accessories with your bike :)

*images courtesy of fric frac, it's mary ruffle

Santa Catalina Island California

Santa Catalina Island

Santa Catalina Island, often called Catalina Island, or just Catalina, is a rocky island off the coast of the U.S. state of California. The island is 22 miles (35 km) long and eight miles (13 km) across at its greatest width. The island is located about 22 miles (35 km) south-southwest of Los Angeles, California. The highest point on the island is 2097 ft (639 m) Mt. Orizaba, at 33°22′29.7″N 118°25′11.6″W / 33.374917°N 118.419889°W / 33.374917; -118.419889.
Part of the Channel Islands of California archipelago, Catalina falls under the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Most of the island is owned by the Catalina Island Conservancy.
The total population as of the 2000 census was 3,696 persons with almost 85 percent living in its only city of Avalon (pop. 3,127, with another 195 south of the city outside of the city limits). The second center of population is the unincorporated town of Two Harbors, in the north, with a population of 298. Development occurs also at the smaller settlements Rancho Escondido and Middle Ranch. The remaining population is scattered over the island between the two population centers. The island has an overall population density of 49.29/mi² (19.03/km²).

Source :

Monday, April 12, 2010

National Monument Tower in Central Jakarta

National Monument (MONAS) in Jakarta

The National Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional (Monas)) is a 422 ft (128.7 m) tower in Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia's independence. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil.After the Indonesian government returned to Jakarta from Yogyakarta in 1950 following the Dutch recognition of Indonesian independence, President Sukarno began to contemplate the construction of a national monument comparable to the Eiffel Tower on the square in front of the presidential palace. On 17 August 1954, a National Monument Committee was established and a design competition was held in 1955. This attracted 51 entries, but only one design, by Frederich Silaban, met any of the criteria determined by the committee, which included reflecting the character of Indonesia in a building capable of lasting for centuries. A repeat competition was held in 1960, but once again, none of the 136 entries met the criteria. The chairman of the jury team then asked Silaban to show his design to Sukarno. However, Sukarno did not like the design as he wanted the monument to be in the form of a linga and yoni. Silaban was asked to design such a monument, but his design was for a monument so large that it would have been unaffordable given the economic conditions at the time. Silaban refused to design a smaller monument, suggesting that construction be delayed until the Indonesian economy improved. Sukarno then asked the architect R.M. Soedarsono to continue with the design. Soedarsono incorporated the numbers 17, 8 and 45, representing the 17 August 1945 Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, in the dimensions of the monument.

Source :